Saturday, October 13, 2012

Of White Privilege and Conversations about Race

Yesterday, Yale Divinity School held an all-day, all-school conference on race and inclusivity.  Over the course of the day, which saw students come and go due to classes or other, I estimated that about 1/3 of the Divinity School was present for at least some portion of the training.

The training was well-advertised, with a little bit of word-of-mouth peer pressure to attend thrown in.  The Dean of Berkeley Divinity School cancelled the Friday class for Berkeley seniors so that we could attend, which I think speaks to the institutional support this training had garnered.  Yet, I did not decide whether or not to go to the training until Friday morning.  Early in my deliberations, I considered that I had a mountain of work to do (and I still do, since I’m taking the time to write this); and I thought that as important as the training may be, it may also be important to pass my courses.  By Thursday, I considered attending a portion and skipping out to do the aforementioned work.

There were many good reasons to attend the training.  Sunday morning is still the most segregated time of the week.  We are training to be ministers with a theology that absolutely all people are made in the image of God, and therefore deserve our consideration.  We need to be able to navigate complicated situations in order to bring some healing to a world broken by racism.

In the end, I am incredibly grateful that I went to the training, and stayed the entire time.  I’ve seen large group conversations about race go very wrong (including at YDS) — conversations after which many people walk away emotionally and spiritually wounded.  While this program was not perfect, it was the healthiest conversation I have personally seen.  Typically, in large anti-racism programs, the ground rules for the conversation can be presented in such a way that people are scared to talk.  The high stakes lead to silence, and people end up in fear of making a mistake in conversation.  In contrast, the explanation of the guidelines in this program left me with a sense of hope.  I thought the facilitators did a good job of trying to develop a space for careful conversation, while allowing space for mistakes in a conversation that can be incredibly messy. 

Further, when a facilitator overstepped some boundaries with a participant, she and the participant modeled apology, forgiveness, and reconciliation. 

Over the course of the day, I was able to go back over some my personal history, and describe how being a straight white man has tangibly benefited me in concrete ways over my 29 years on earth.  I mean, tangibly benefited me— not just an anemic statement that whiteness has been good to me.  By this, I mean that because I am white:

·         I had a college recruitment officer tell what degree programs "would set me ahead of women and blacks.”  I didn’t take his advice.
·         There are conversations I have gotten to be a part of among other white people that nonwhites are not invited to. Typically these  conversations had been white men bemoaning loss of privilege  and how to maintain privilege (they do not use this language).
·         I avoided chemical burns on a construction job because the foremen sent the older, poorer black men into a hazardous situation.  To send me into that same situation would have been riskier because I had the social capital to say something.  Luckily, the foremen were caught sending people into a hazardous situation without the proper gear.
·         I am a safe hire in churches both traditional and progressive; whereas being a woman, nonwhite, or gay would limit the pool of congregations in which one can serve (in practice if not in policy).

I greatly benefited from the conversation yesterday, and yet the discomfort I felt during the program was not coming from the program.  My discomfort was coming from thinking about who was not at the inclusivity program.

I do not mean that I am judging everyone who was not at the training as being uncommitted to racial justice.  School work is important.  Other personal engagements called to people.


Friday morning, before the program, I overheard a white male pontificate to a few other people that he “hopes they take note of who is not there, and why.”  By context, I made—and hold—the assumption that he, as a white person, would not go the meeting.  And it would be the fault of the organizers of the meeting that he is not going, because white people tend to get “beat up” during those programs.  This man probably represented the position of a few others at YDS.  But more generally, it represents a position that white men may hold in regards to any conversation about race.

This man’s statement troubled me because a) I felt angry that the person was so dismissive of the program and b) I felt uncomfortable because I believe in bringing everyone to the table, and so I wondered if I would need to bring the narrative of the contrarians to the training.

I got over my discomfort of the lack of the contrarian position by mid-morning; by the afternoon, I came to greatly resent the statement that the person made.

Why?  The man's statement actually assumes his narrative of contrariness has a privileged place. And his statement that he “hopes they take note of who is not there, and why,” shows his assumption of personal privilege.  Even without his being present at the program, he hoped his narrative would factor into our conversation.  For the dominant group (white men) to absent themselves from the conversation about oppression—and thereby not listen to others—and then expect the rest of us to do the work of interpreting the absentee contrarian's narrative for them—and then to seriously consider it—is extremely upsetting to me.  I became even more upset  because I almost thought I carried the burden of making the contrarian position heard, particularly because it was couched in terms of ‘white victimization’ by others.

But, no.  Members of oppressive groups (and in the U.S., that is still white men as individuals and participants in social systems) do not have the right to absent themselves from conversations on race and expect their position to still be heard.  If there is a manner of white privilege to be dismantled, it is the belief that conversations white people choose not to attend must still reference white people’s objections to those very conversations.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

To Everything, There is a Season

Last Wednesday night, a classmate--Adrian Dannhauser--and I team-preached at a weekly Eucharist for Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. The service was centered around the concept of harvest, based on the time of year and the fact that the society during the time of Jesus was agrarian. The harvest was a critical part of survival. And those with plenty were taught to share with those who had less than enough. Instead of two distinct sermons, I offered an introduction to a guided meditation Adrian led.

The Gospel Reading: John 4:31-38

Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, ‘Rabbi, eat something.’ But he said to them, ‘I have food to eat that you do not know about.’ So the disciples said to one another, ‘Surely no one has brought him something to eat?’ Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work. Do you not say, “Four months more, then comes the harvest”? But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting. The reaper is already receivingwages and is gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, “One sows and another reaps.” I sent you to reap that for which you did not labour. Others have laboured, and you have entered into their labour.’

Robert Berra:

How often it is in the Gospel of John that Jesus answers a question concerning the tangible and material with a pronouncement about a spiritual reality through metaphor. We see it with Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well about living water.

In fact, the brief exchange between the disciples and Jesus we have just heard happens right as the Samaritan woman is returning to her village. She tells everyone about Jesus, and many, many of them come to seek him out and to believe in him. After Jesus stays for a two day visit, the people of the village rejoice:

“We have now heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the Saviour of the world.’

A fruitful harvest indeed.

One of the lessons that the Gospel passage may have for us tonight is that —like Jesus invited the disciples to work in the harvest—we have all been invited to work for the kingdom of God in some way. Jesus’ observation that we enter into the labor of others breaks open the often too-simple, too-linear, and too-self-focused consideration that makes of spiritual reaping and sowing a project I take on and I finish.  Are we such islands unto ourselves?

As we think about reaping and sowing in terms of what we bring to communities we may serve, we may find ourselves weaving our own work into a tapestry of plantings and harvests begun, or in progress, or finishing in places where others also work. —Where we are not simply a solitary reaper or a sower, going from planting to harvest on our own.

Since many of us are in New Haven and the surrounding area for a short time, we may wonder how to best help in harvest fields others will continue to work once we leave. There is a certain spiritual maturity this lesson in practical ministry teaches; that someone else plants, we water, and wait for the growth that comes from God, which we may never see (St. Paul knew something of this; see 1 Cor 3:6).

As we work alongside others, we find that we are impacted by their work as well, sometimes finding within ourselves the seedlings they have planted; perhaps even when we were not looking.

This brings us to our own spiritual reaping and sowing. Our own discernment of the disposition of our spiritual life.

And we have found ourselves at Yale Divinity School. What a marvelous place to think about what we sow and what we reap and how we participate in the work of others as we contemplate the present and future of our own walk with God.

Tonight, we are doing something quite different from a traditional sermon. We instead wish to open a space for meditation, staying with the metaphor of harvest.

Let us take an opportunity to breathe deeply, 
Settle into our souls,
And recollect ourselves
As we remember why we are here.

Let us pray

Almighty God, from you we see the increase of the earth, and you bring forth spiritual fruits within us. Be present to us as we listen for your will in our lives. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Adrian’s Meditation

I invite you to take a deep breath. Close your eyes as you breathe out. And let your body relax.

I. Harvesting

Visualize a grove of trees. It is autumn. There is a slight chill in the air, and the leaves are changing colors. Look up to the sky and see the sunlight shining through colored leaves like a stained glass window – red leaves, yellow leaves, orange. You can smell the dampness of the earth after a recent rain.

It is time for harvest. It is time to gather pumpkins, gourds, baskets of apples, bushels of wheat.
“See how the fields are ripe for harvesting.”

What are you harvesting… now, in this season of your life?
-Are there fruits of the Spirit?
-Earthly blessings?
-Are you reaping justice fought for by those who have gone before you?
-Perhaps there are things in your life that you have sought out with God’s help.

Jesus tells us that doing the Father’s will is food. How is God’s will taking shape in your life?  What is ripe for the picking?


II. Sowing

After the harvest, there is more sowing to be done. Autumn is the time to plant seeds… for kale, for beets, carrots and beans. Imagine yourself tilling the ground. The sun warms your back, and a gentle breeze blows across your face. You can smell the scent of freshly upturned dirt.

What seeds do you drop into the earth?
-Are they intentions for this semester?
-Or the early stages of a new project?
-Is there a dream that God has laid upon your heart?
-What are the things you want to nurture to fruition?


III. Nurturing

As we nurture our sprouting seeds – our young little crops – we protect them. We shelter them from the harsh weather. We keep away the pests. We uproot nearby weeds or thorns that choke out life.

Is there something that might threaten the health of your crops?
Old habits?
New fears?
Maybe there’s an external obstacle.
Or a sin that’s taken root and needs to be cleared away.

How will you protect your crops to ensure that they flourish?


IV. Nourishment from God’s grace

The success of our crops does not hang on our efforts alone. As we nurture them – pruning back, weeding out – our crops access nutrients that we could never create. They receive the light of Christ shining down. They soak up the water that is living water.

Our crops – our intentions, our dreams, our pursuits – receive the outpouring of the grace of God, who labors in the field so that we might reap the harvest.

