Friday, December 5, 2008

So Rick Warren has proved himself to be of the same ilk as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. How'd he do it? He called for the assassination of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; Pat Robertson did the same thing in 2005 when he called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez.

Here is the youtube:

"God put government on earth to punish evildoers." Which government, Rick? By your interpretation Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as heads of government have an ability to act as they see fit to destroy evildoers as well. Of course, Rick means the U.S.

From Matt Duss
In any case, if this were a conversation between an Iranian TV host and an ayatollah in which they discussed scriptural justifications for “taking out” high ranking members of the U.S. government, you’d probably see Sean Hannity running the clip on his show — while slowly shaking his head in pious disapproval — as evidence of what crazy extremists those Iranians are. As it is, they’ll probably be running this on Iranian TV as evidence of what crazy extremists those Americans are.

Then, and this is clever, they go back to the Old Testament in order to justify killing. Later, Rick Warren cites Romans 13 incorrectly just to throw in something from the New Testament. Jesus wasn't able to help them out here. Neither of them brought up the fact that both Christianity and Judaism have long histories of just war theorizing that have actually, you know, tried to limit warfare. Hannity, as a Catholic, should look at his own tradition. Then again, I don't think he'll find support much there, so he won't even mention them.

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