In two months, to the day, I will be ordained a Deacon in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Arizona (provided that God is willing and the people consent).
Wow, it is becoming a reality in my mind. More on this later.
Tomorrow I will be contacting the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a group of Roman Catholic women religious with a community in Hamden, CT. I mentioned this September, on this blog, that I have a family connection to this order--my grandfather's aunt was a sister--and I've felt a pull to visit the community for reasons unknown to me since I have been in New Haven. I'm hoping to visit over some of a day during this spring break.
Another odd fact jumped out at me today. In preparation for contacting the Apostles, I pulled out Sister Caroline's obituary, only to discover that I was serving as a chaplain in the same hospital in which she passed away.
Another synchronicity has presented itself. Sister Caroline is memorialized by the Apostles on March 22nd, the same day as my middler review at YDS. Considering that Caroline's journey to taking vows has figured into both my exploration of religious orders and re-appropriation of the substance of catholic Christianity, that she is memorialized on the same day as a significant moment in my formation seems wonderful to me.
So exciting!!
I'm looking forward to reading about your visit to the community.
Thanks! Follow-up from the visit.
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