Saturday, January 3, 2009

Unsettled- holiday review 1

I'm back in Mesa and I'm reflecting on the trip home over the holidays. There were no unpleasant experiences to mention but I spent quite a bit of time in an emotionally and spiritually unsettled state. No single event sent me into a slump; it was the totality of a few things.

One reason for the slump was a change in routine, actually, it was the lack of a routine. To compare:

My disciplines in Mesa
  1. daily reading from the Rule of Benedict
  2. two weekly Eucharists, sometimes three
  3. the Daily Lectionary (sometimes playing catch-up if I miss a day)
  4. Tuesday Noonday Prayers
  5. Church/ Theology related reading
  6. Rosary/meditation about 5 times a week
My Disciplines in Mobile
  1. daily reading from the Rule of Benedict
  2. one weekly Eucharist
  3. the Daily Lectionary, but only half of the days
  4. Tuesday Noonday Prayers
  5. Church/ Theology related reading / one wonderful fiction
  6. Rosary/ meditation once the entire trip
It was to be expected that the routine I have would be hard to keep. I apparently do a lot at the daily level. I had obligations and demands on my time from friends and family that took some of the time I would spend in my disciplines. I don't regret any moment with my loved ones though. The situation was what it was. I wasn't about to tell the people that loved that I required at least 30 minutes a day in solitude. I at least faithfully kept to the requirements of St. Brigid's Community.

Other reasons for my unsettled nature
  1. My conversation with Jim and Mary
  2. The growing gap between me and my friends at home
  3. I was expecting a theological showdown that did not happen
  4. I'm displeased with my own lack of humility
  5. Being given a final goodbye by my great-aunts
  6. My sister doubting the sincerity of the Anglican style of worship. I expected this and I appreciate her honesty, though I dislike the implication that I am locked in a dead style of worship.
The next few posts will deal with the above in detail.

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